Beavers Scouts is open to boys and girls aged 6 to 8. Here at 4th Worth we have three Beaver colonies which meet on different evenings:
- Hudson meet on Tuesday
- Mackenzie meet on Friday
To enquire about joining one of our Beaver colonies, please contact us.
Being a Beaver
Beavers are young people who:
- Try new things and learn new skills
- Make new friends
- Have fun and go on adventures
- Want to find out about the world around them
- Help others and make a difference
Every week we gather in groups called Beaver Colonies to hop, skip and jump their way through lots of different activities and games – achieving anything they set their minds to, but also having lots of fun along the way.

Badges & Awards
There are lots of badges you can earn while you are a Beaver Scout.

Beaver Uniform
The uniform worn by Beaver Scouts is a light blue sweatshirt, worn with either black or navy trousers. This can be purchased from the District Scout Shop at Ron Hobbs Hall, Bligh Close, Tilgate.
When invested, Beavers will be presented with several badges:
- 4th Worth Name Tape
- Crawley District Badge
- West Sussex County Badge
- World Membership Badge
These should be sewn onto the sweatshirt as shown below.